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  • Results will be returned that contain all of the terms entered. For example searching for bus schedule would return anything that contains both bus and schedule in any order but not only bus or schedule by themselves.
  • Searching while you are within a course or group will return results found within that course or group. If there are no results within the course or group you will be shown results for your term from everywhere.
  • You can use + or - to include or exclude search results. For example, the search +schedule -bus will return results that contain the word schedule but not the word bus.
  • Put a word or phrase in quotes to find exact matches. Searching for "bus schedule" will search for the exact phrase bus schedule with no other words between those two.
  • You can add * at the end of a term to find results that start with that term. Searching for book* will return results for book, books, bookmark, and bookmarks. (You can also add * in the middle of a term)
  • Common words such as and, the and of are excluded from the search. To force them to be included, put a + in front of them.
  • The characters && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ~ * ? : \ have special functions and aren’t searched for. If you need to find results that include one of those, you can put a \ in front of it and it will be searched for like a regular character. For example Abbott \& Costello or Who’s on first\?
  • Innovation Exchanges
    "Teaching for Transfer" - Glenn Lester
    We assume learning transfer, but do we teach it? This exchange explored one professor’s attempt to re-design general education courses using teaching for transfer principles.
    Ask Jared
    How do I publish courses, modules, or assignments/discussions/ quizzes in Canvas?
    You must publish a course before students can access it and its contents. Students cannot see unpublished courses and its content. You must publish a Module before students can access it and its contents. Students cannot see unpublished Modules and its content. You must publish Assignments/Discussions/Quizzes before students can access it and its contents. Students cannot see unpublished Assignment/Discussions/Quizzes and its content.
    Professional Education Proposal Forms
    Faculty looking to create a Professional Education or Workforce Development program should fill in the Program Proposal Form to begin the process. After submission and an initial meeting faculty will fill in the Course Proposal Form for all courses in the Program. Please take a look at the Process Map for an overview of all steps related to the PEWD department.
    Innovation Exchanges
    "Tools to Enhance Student Retention in the Major" - Linda Bell
    As the rigor and demands grow in upper-level courses, some students drop out and shop around for another major. Participants learned about a strategy implemented in the accounting curriculum to enhance student retention. These are not unique to accounting; rather, could be implemented across the university. Tools to Enhance Student Retention in the Major presentation Self evaluation after first exam document Self evaluation after second exam document
    Innovation Exchanges
    "Asking Better Questions" - Adam Potthast
    Revisit that first radical piece of active learning: the question. Dr. Potthast started with the premise that the quality of discussion you get in your courses was directly proportional to the quality of questions you asked. This session spotlights Socratic questioning in the classroom. Asking Better Question presentation
    Innovation Exchanges
    "Online Proctoring with ProctorU" - John Dean and Guillermo Tonsmann
    Starting fall 2017, Park online courses will be able to use ProctorU to proctor their final exams. In this exchange, Guillermo Tonsmann and John Dean presented an overview of Park's online proctoring policy, the online proctoring experience from a student's perspective, and the setup experience from a teacher's perspective.
    "The High Impact of Writing in All Courses" - Chris M. Anson, North Carolina State University
    This presentation offered a view of writing as a highly varied language activity that could be strongly tied to goals for student learning, and, through examples and research, suggested ways that it could play a central role in every discipline.
    Ask Jared
    Recover Missing or Deleted Content in Canvas
    To recover missing or deleted content in Canvas: From within the relevant Canvas course, find the course ID in your browser's URL bar. The course ID is the number following Remove everything following the course ID except the forward slash ( / ), and add the word undelete. The new URL will look similar to this: Press Enter. Click Restore next to the appropriate item(s). Click OK. Your item(s) should now be restored.
    "Serving Underprepared Students" - Jon Ritterbush, Debra McArthur, and Jayme Uden
    This session provided information on student demographics and student development theory and the resources that Park provides for underprepared students. Library Research Guides - Student Success Resources (in Canvas) - Park Tutoring Help (describes face-to-face and online tutoring options) - Instructions for activating Turnitin plagiarism checker in Canvas courses - Serving Underprepared Students at Park University presentation
    "Reducing Textbook Costs, Increasing Access, Enhancing Teaching and Learning: OER and Library Resources"
    Park is among dozens of higher education institutions across the country actively exploring ways to reduce textbook costs for students while upholding the rights and responsibilities of academic departments/faculty to adopt the instructional materials best for their courses. Institutions are increasingly turning to Open Educational Resources (OER) and the collections within their own libraries to reduce cost, increase expedient access to instructional materials, and enhance learning outcomes.This conversation about reducing textbook costs through OER and library resources was presented

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