File a Report

Form Details
Concern/Complaint For general concerns and complaints
Grade Appeal For appealing a grade
Academic Dishonesty For Course Instructor
Academic Dishonesty For Non-Instructor Submissions
Behavioral Intervention Team  (BIT) For reporting concerns
regarding student safety and welfare
Student Conduct  For violations of the Student Code of Conduct

For questions about any of these forms or processes,
please contact the Office of Student Life at

Process Overview

• A complaint must be made in writing, preferably using the standard Complaint Form.
• It is important to report complaints promptly and to include a short and concise statement of all the relevant facts and the action or remedy you are requesting so that an investigation can be completed and a resolution achieved.
• Complaints should be filed within 15 business days from the date of the action or occurrence which is the subject of the complaint.
• The Office of the Dean of Students reviews each complaint to determine if it is one upon which action should be taken. The Dean of Students or a Designee will notify the individual within 3 business days to confirm receipt of the complaint.
• Within 5 business days after receiving a complaint, the Office of the Dean of Students or a designee will advise the individual in writing either (a) that it has referred the complaint to an administrator for investigation and resolution, and to whom the complaint was referred, or (b) that it has dismissed the complaint and the reason for the dismissal.
• The Office of the Dean of Students refers complaints requiring further action to the appropriate academic or administrative official (typically, a Dean or Director, or another appropriate administrator whom they have designated) for investigation and resolution.
• An administrator to whom a complaint has been referred has 20 business days from the date of the referral to investigate and address the complaint. During the investigation and resolution process the administrator will communicate directly with the individual who has filed the complaint. At the conclusion of the investigation and resolution the administrator will notify the individual and the Office of the Dean of Students in writing of the results of the investigation and the resolution of the complaint.
• A complaint may be dismissed without further action if the individual fails to cooperate in the investigation.
SARA students who are dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint through Park’s process can file a formal complaint with the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (DHEWD). For more information, please visit DHEWD:
If you have questions at any time, feel free to contact your Campus Center Director, Student Success Coach, or the Office of the Dean of Students at 816-584-6377.
Note - if you would like to appeal a final grade received in a course, please follow the grade appeal process outlined in the Academic Catalog.