Seat Time Requirements

Seat time refers to classroom/direct instructional time associated with face-to-face and blended courses. Seat time varies by modality and term length. In blended courses, seat time is complemented with instructional activities that are delivered online and completed outside of class. Asynchronous online courses do not have scheduled seat time but meet the instructional time/credit hour requirements through online instruction and activities.


Contact hours represent the time associated with laboratory or other activities such as internships, practica, studio work.

  • Park Unit (Lecture Hour)/Academic Unit = 50 minutes per week of instruction plus 2 hours of outside-of-class student work
  • Contact Hour = 50 minutes of student work per week, whether synchronous or asynchronous
  • Lab Hour = 50 minutes of contact time (1 credit of lab equates to 3 contact hours or 150 minutes per week)

*Based on a 16 week semester


For more detailed information related to seat time requirements, please refer to the Seat Time Chart.

Seat Time Chart - Contact Hours 2-22-24_Final.pdf