
Student Organization Resources

Student Organization Resources (all links are to an external site)

The Office of Student Life offers a variety of resources to ensure that student organizations reach their full potential. If you have any questions regarding the information available, contact us at

Student Organization Certification

To remain an active student organization, student organizations must submit certification during the Fall and Spring semester in order to have access to full privileges. This form must be submitted by Week 5 of each semester.

Please contact with any questions you might have about the process or how we might help you get connected at Park. Go, Pirates! 

Student Organization Retreat 

The Fall & Spring Student Org Retreats are the most useful activities that student organizations leaders participate in at Park. The retreat provides leadership training for new and returning executive board members, equipping, and planning for each student organization’s newly elected officers and campus updates relating to certification, programming, policies, and Crew.

Each active Park University student organization must have at least 1 member of their executive board in attendance. 

Information for Fall 2020's Retreat will be available by mid-summer. 

Canvas Training

Student Organization members can access the resources necessary for your success by using the "Files" section of the Student Organization Resources Canvas page here (please note that you will need to sign in): 

Resources include: 

Fundraising Guidelines

Fundraising - Gift In Kind Donor Form

Student Organization Fundraising Guidelines

Parkville Posting Policy

Transition Guide

Pirate Goal Setting

Constitution Template

Finances - Card Use Agreement

Ethical Standards and Conduct

Certification Policy

Advisor Policy for Student Organizations

Park Student Organization Travel Policy

Transportation - Multiple Participants (Bus)

Transportation - Students Riding in Employee Vehicles

Transportation - Students at Overnight Trip / Conference

Hold Harmless - Emergency Contact (Basic Hold Harmless)