• School for Natural and Applied Sciences

    Name Description Status Source
    1. AT236 Required 1. BERTONCINO_AY12-13-016_AT_236_Kinesiology.doc Edit 1. AT236 Delete 1. AT236
    2. FWR300 Required 2. BERTONCINO_AY12-13-018_FWR_300_Advanced_Strength_T.doc Edit 2. FWR300 Delete 2. FWR300
    3. FWR325 Required 3. BERTONCINO_AY12-13-020_FWR_325_Motor_Skill_Develop.doc Edit 3. FWR325 Delete 3. FWR325
    4. FWR 375 Required 4. BERTONCINO_AY12-13-060_FWR_375_Fitness_and_Wellnes.doc Edit 4. FWR 375 Delete 4. FWR 375
    5. FWR150 Required 5. BERTONCINO_AY12-13-017_FWR_150_Principles_of_Exerc.doc Edit 5. FWR150 Delete 5. FWR150
    6. FWR310 Required 6. BERTONCINO_AY12-13-019_FWR_310_Advanced_Conditioni.doc Edit 6. FWR310 Delete 6. FWR310
    7. FWR250 Required 8. BERTONCINO_AY12-13-061_FWR_400_Internship_in_FWR.doc Edit 7. FWR250 Delete 7. FWR250
    8. FWR350 Required 9. 350 Fitness Testing and Prescription.doc Edit 8. FWR350 Delete 8. FWR350
    9. Update F & W Required 10. Major Requirements.doc Edit 9. Update F & W Delete 9. Update F & W
    10. PY400 Required 16. HOWELL_AY12-13-030_Curriculum_Proposal_Form_physic.doc Edit 10. PY400 Delete 10. PY400
    11. BI415 Required 17. HOWELL_AY12-13-031_Curriculum_Proposal_Form_BI415.doc Edit 11. BI415 Delete 11. BI415
    71. Math_BA_BS_Proposal.docx Required 71. GULER_AY12-13-002_Math_BA_BS_Proposal.docx Edit 71. Math_BA_BS_Proposal.docx Delete 71. Math_BA_BS_Proposal.docx
    72. MA 350 revision Required GULER AY12-13-029 MA 350 History of Mathematics CC.docx Edit 72. MA 350 revision Delete 72. MA 350 revision
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Computer Science

    Name Description Status Source
    12. Change CS321 Description Required 43. GULER_AY12-13-006_REVISED_cs321CourseDescriptionCh.doc Edit 12. Change CS321 Description Delete 12. Change CS321 Description
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • School for Social Sciences Criminal Justice

    Name Description Status Source
    13. Replace CJ345 Required 11. CHRISTOPHER_AY12-13-023_UCC_Proposal-ASCJ.docx Edit 13. Replace CJ345 Delete 13. Replace CJ345
    14. CJxxx Required 12. CHRISTOPHER_AY12-13-059_Proposed_CJxxx_victimology.doc Edit 14. CJxxx Delete 14. CJxxx
    15. CJ250 Special Topics Required 15. A CHRISTOPHER_AY12-13-059b_CJ250syllabusSpring2012.doc Edit 15. CJ250 Special Topics Delete 15. CJ250 Special Topics
    16. Add CJ430 Required 14. CHRISTOPHER_AY12-13-024_UCC_Proposal-CJ450_Prereq_.docx Edit 16. Add CJ430 Delete 16. Add CJ430
    17. CJ xxx Victimology Required 15. CHRISTOPHER_AY12-13-059a_CJ__xxx_Course_descriptio.doc Edit 17. CJ xxx Victimology Delete 17. CJ xxx Victimology
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Social Work

    Name Description Status Source
    18. SO315 Minority Group Relations Required 44. KISTHARDT_AY12-13-022_Replace_SO_315_with_SO_302.doc Edit 18. SO315 Minority Group Relations Delete 18. SO315 Minority Group Relations
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Psychology/Social Psychology

    Name Description Status Source
    19. SO327 Revise name change Required 19. MASON_AY12-13-033_PS_SO_2__Proposed_revise_health_.docx Edit 19. SO327 Revise name change Delete 19. SO327 Revise name change
    20. Remove SO208 Required 20. MASON_AY12-13-039_PS_SO_8__Proposed_remove_208_add.docx Edit 20. Remove SO208 Delete 20. Remove SO208
    21. Revise PS/SO300 Required 21. MASON_AY12-13-037_PS_SO_6__Proposed_revision_P.docx Edit 21. Revise PS/SO300 Delete 21. Revise PS/SO300
    22. Remove PS/SO220 Required 23. MASON_AY12-13-041_PS_SO_10__Proposed_remove_220_AS.docx Edit 22. Remove PS/SO220 Delete 22. Remove PS/SO220
    23. Associate of Science Credit Hour Change Required 22. A MASON_AY12-13-043_PS_SO_12__Proposed_add_6_hours_o.docx Edit 23. Associate of Science Credit Hour Change Delete 23. Associate of Science Credit Hour Change
    24. Remove SO220 Ethical Issues Required 23. A MASON_AY12-13-047_PS_SO_16__Proposed_remove_220_BS.docx Edit 24. Remove SO220 Ethical Issues Delete 24. Remove SO220 Ethical Issues
    25. Remove all concentrations BS Required 24. A MASON_AY12-13-049_PS_SO_18__Proposed_remove_concen.docx Edit 25. Remove all concentrations BS Delete 25. Remove all concentrations BS
    26. Remove SO325 Social Deviance Required 25. A MASON_AY12-13-052_PS_SO_21_Proposed_add_Field_Plac.docx Edit 26. Remove SO325 Social Deviance Delete 26. Remove SO325 Social Deviance
    27. Remove option PS/SO498 Required 26. A MASON_AY12-13-054_PS_SO_23_Proposed_removal_of_sen.docx Edit 27. Remove option PS/SO498 Delete 27. Remove option PS/SO498
    28. Remove PS/SO307 Statistics for SS minor Required 27. A MASON_AY12-13-056_PS_SO_25__Proposed_remove_307_re.docx Edit 28. Remove PS/SO307 Statistics for SS minor Delete 28. Remove PS/SO307 Statistics for SS minor
    29. Remove SO208 Required 28. MASON_AY12-13-045_PS_SO_14_Proposed_remove_208_add.docx Edit 29. Remove SO208 Delete 29. Remove SO208
    30. Remove 3 credits of electives Required 29. B MASON_AY12-13-058_PS_SO_27__Proposed_remove_3_cred.docx Edit 30. Remove 3 credits of electives Delete 30. Remove 3 credits of electives
    31. Create SO 2XX Required 30. B MASON_AY12-13-032_PS_SO_1_proposed_new_course_Soci.docx Edit 31. Create SO 2XX Delete 31. Create SO 2XX
    32. Create SO 4XX Required 31. MASON_AY12-13-034_PS_SO_3_Proposed_creation_of_new.docx Edit 32. Create SO 4XX Delete 32. Create SO 4XX
    33. Revise and change PS/SO308 Required 32. MASON_AY12-13-036_PS_SO_5__Proposed_revision_princ.docx Edit 33. Revise and change PS/SO308 Delete 33. Revise and change PS/SO308
    34. Add Choices to the Assoicates of Science Required 33. MASON_AY12-13-038_PS_SO_7__Proposed_additional_of_.docx Edit 34. Add Choices to the Assoicates of Science Delete 34. Add Choices to the Assoicates of Science
    35. Remove SO210 Social Institutions Required 34. MASON_AY12-13-040_PS_SO_9__Proposed_remove_210_AS_.docx Edit 35. Remove SO210 Social Institutions Delete 35. Remove SO210 Social Institutions
    36. Remove PS/SO307 Statistics Assoc Required 35. MASON_AY12-13-042_PS_SO_11__Proposed_remove_307_re.docx Edit 36. Remove PS/SO307 Statistics Assoc Delete 36. Remove PS/SO307 Statistics Assoc
    37. Add choices BS Social Psychology Required 36. MASON_AY12-13-044_PS_SO_13__Proposed_addition_of_c.docx Edit 37. Add choices BS Social Psychology Delete 37. Add choices BS Social Psychology
    38. Remove SO210 BS Required 37. -13-046_PS_SO_15__Proposed_remove_210_BS.docx Edit 38. Remove SO210 BS Delete 38. Remove SO210 BS
    39. Remove SO306 Writing for Social Sciences Required 38. B MASON_AY12-13-048_PS_SO_17__Proposed_remove_306_BS.docx Edit 39. Remove SO306 Writing for Social Sciences Delete 39. Remove SO306 Writing for Social Sciences
    40. Remove SO208 Social Inequality BA Required 39. MASON_AY12-13-051_PS_SO_20_Proposed_remove_208_add.docx Edit 40. Remove SO208 Social Inequality BA Delete 40. Remove SO208 Social Inequality BA
    41. Add two advanced topics Required 40. MASON_AY12-13-053_PS_SO_22_Proposed_add_advanced_t.docx Edit 41. Add two advanced topics Delete 41. Add two advanced topics
    42. Remove SO208 Social Inequality Minor Required 41. MASON_AY12-13-055_PS_SO_24_Proposed_remove_208_add.docx Edit 42. Remove SO208 Social Inequality Minor Delete 42. Remove SO208 Social Inequality Minor
    43. Remove SO210 Social Institutions SO403 Required 42. MASON_AY12-13-057_PS_SO_26__Proposed_remove_210_Mi.docx Edit 43. Remove SO210 Social Institutions SO403 Delete 43. Remove SO210 Social Institutions SO403
    44. Revise PS407 Field Placement Required 43. MASON_AY12-13-035_PS_SO_4__Proposed_revision_PS407.docx Edit 44. Revise PS407 Field Placement Delete 44. Revise PS407 Field Placement
    45. New Minor Social Psychology.docx Required PS_SO_19__Proposed_new_minor_SP.docx Edit 45. New Minor Social Psychology.docx Delete 45. New Minor Social Psychology.docx
    Overall changes Social Psychology Required Overall_curriculum_changes_to_Social_Psychology.pdf Edit Overall changes Social Psychology Delete Overall changes Social Psychology
    Overall changes Sociology Required Overall_curriculum_changes_to_the_sociology_progra.pdf Edit Overall changes Sociology Delete Overall changes Sociology
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • History

    Name Description Status Source
    46. Delete HIS 103 Required 46. PASLEY_AY12-13-028_Curriculum_Committee_Form_-_MIN.doc Edit 46. Delete HIS 103 Delete 46. Delete HIS 103
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.