April Haberyan, Ph.D., R.N.
Associate Professor of Psychology and Sociology
College of Education and Health Professions
She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.
~ Elizabeth Edwards
Park It!
- Name one future research project you are/would like to Pursue.
Dr. Jerry Barnett, a research colleague from Northwest Missouri State University and I are examining the effects of positive and negative emotional stories on memory for course content.
- Besides what you are currently being recognized for, what are some of your proudest Accomplishments you would like to share?
In the Department of Nursing last year, I had the privilege of leading the team in developing the new pre-licensure Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing program.
I had the opportunity to be the Family Assistance Incident Commander for the team that responded to the theater shooting that happened in Lafayette, Louisiana in 2015.
- Name one to three Resources that you use either for teaching, scholarship, or service that have assisted in your successes.
I really like using the Canvas learning management system. In particular, I use SpeedGrader when I have to grade papers. I like to use TED talks to generate discussion in my courses. The third resource I use is the Social Psychology Network. There are a variety of resources on the site for instructors teaching Psychology courses.
- What do you feel you Keep doing successfully within your classroom every semester that you are willing to share with other faculty members?
I try to provide organized and structured courses to students. I clearly outline reading assignments, course assignments, lecture topics and assignment due dates. Students have reported to me that they feel less anxious when they know what to expect in a course.
The other thing I do in class is share my real life experiences as a nurse, psychologist and disaster responder to help students make connections with course content. The stories seem to “stick” with the students and serve as memory prompts on exams.
- What (or who) most Inspires you? Why?
I am most inspired by my parents. My father is a survivor of the 1980 MGM Grand Hotel Fire. The fire changed his life and as a result he became an internationally known Disaster Psychologist. My mother is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. Her expertise is in the development of mental health inpatient and day treatment programs. She is also a Family Assistance disaster responder. She served as the medical liaison for the Family Assistance team that was deployed to Thailand after the Tsunami in 2004. My parents are always looking for the next great adventure and I try to live my life in a similar fashion.
- What is something you Treasure in your office?
I have a picture of a bridge located in the Botanical Gardens in Saint Louis above my desk that my husband took while he was on a trip two years ago. I don’t have any windows in my office since my department is located in the underground Academic Plaza. This picture serves as my “underground” window and reminds me of summer vacations.