
Sense of Belonging in the Online Environment

Presented by: Brittany Moser, Director of Digital Learning

Date held: March 29, 2024


To keep the conversation going from the 2024 Virtual Academic Conference, Brittany Moser, built upon her conference presentation on how Park faculty can foster a sense of belonging in the online environment. For those who weren’t able to attend the 2024 Virtual Academic Conference or want a refresher on the presentations and available resources, they can check out the recordings and more on the FCI Virtual Academic Conference website.

A Primer to Course Development at Park

Presented by: Brittany Moser, Director of Digital Learning

Date held: March 20, 2024


Faculty explored the foundation of course development at Park. Whether they are a current course developer or a faculty member interested complementing present course content with additional material, this session offered tips and tricks on ways to enhance student learning and engagement.

Teaching Contemporary Students

Presented by: Dr. Sally Lorentson, Assistant Vice President of University Life, Dr. Joisanne Rodgers, Director of Contemporary Student Services, and Shyama Kuver, Associate Director, Contemporary Student Services, George Mason University

Date held: February 14, 2024


Faculty joined the conversation to learn from external experts, Dr. Sally Lorentson, Dr. Joisanne Rodgers, and Shyama Kuver, leaders of the first known office of Contemporary Student Services in US higher education, on how to best support contemporary students – inside and outside of the classroom.


Teaching International Students

Presented by: Ekaterina Arshavskaya, Associate Professor at the Intensive English Language Institute at Utah State University

Date held: January 17, 2024


Faculty and staff learned from external expert, Dr. Ekaterina Arshavskaya, about best teaching and learning practices and where to find free accessible resources to support international students.


Dr. Ekaterina Arshavskaya is an associate professor in the intensive English program (IELI) at Utah State University and leads the pre-service language teachers' education program at USU. Her research and teaching interests include intercultural learning, multilingual literature, computer-assisted language learning, and more. She is actively engaged with Intermountain TESOL and International TESOL and has published in System, TESOL Journal, and Teaching Education journals.

Shared by University at Albany, State University of New York's Center for International Education and Global Strategy

Viewed:76 times

From Utah State University's Intensive English Language Institute

Viewed:34 times

The Perils & Possibilities of AI in Higher Education

Two Part Series


Part 1

Presented by: James Nelson (ITS) and Dr. Amber Dailey-Hebert (FCI)

Date held: April 12, 2023


This exploratory conversation focused on the implications of AI and ChatGPT from a teaching and learning perspective. Park ITS and FCI shared the evolution of AI in academic settings, productive uses (and concerns) for ChatGPT today, and created a safe space for faculty to explore critical questions surrounding this disruptive technology in higher education today.


Part 2

Presented by: James Nelson (ITS) and Dr. Amber Dailey-Hebert (FCI), Criminal Justice Faculty - Dr. Eugene Matthews, Dr. Dianna Carmenaty, and Dr. Tamera Jenkins

Date held: October 25, 2023


This was a follow-up discussion to last spring's presentation on artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education (recording and resources above). Participants learned about the latest developments since last spring and heard from other Park faculty about their lessons learned while using the new disruptive AI technology in their own practice.

Understanding Argument in a Post-Truth World

Presented by: Heather Walters and Kristen Stout

Date held: September 27, 2023


Heather Walters and Kristen Stout (at Missouri State University) are passionate about teaching students how to navigate a world where disinformation has become pervasive. Their mission is to provide cutting edge access to strategies students need to critically evaluate information in our highly technical and post-truth world. Park faculty joined Heather and Kristen as they shared insights from the 2nd edition of their book Understanding Argument in a Post-Truth World (2024), to learn strategies that will help students critically evaluate information.

Moldova Matters – Perspectives from a Faculty Fulbright

Presented by: Steven Youngblood

Date held: August 23, 2023
Fulbright Scholar, Steven Youngblood, shared the current situation and challenges being faced in Moldova. Participants learned about his important work that is planned for the 2023-2024 academic year and the impact being made by concerned citizen around the globe.

Understanding and Combating Contemporary Antisemitism

Presented by: Sarah Markowitz, Director, Education & Programs at the Jewish Community Relations Bureau, American Jewish Community (JCRB | AJC)

Date held: May 4, 2023


As we work to create a more inclusive, understanding learning environment it is critical to intentionally include discussion of antisemitism. Faculty joined Sarah Markowitz, from JCRB | AJC as she shared a proactive approach towards combating antisemitism through education to ensure a greater understanding of the Jewish community and to empower all participants to be allies in the fight against antisemitism.

Collective Efforts to Create Inclusive Campus Spaces for Faculty, Staff, and Students

Presented by: Keonya Booker, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, Associate Professor of Teacher Education, College of Charleston

Co-sponsored by: Park University Black Faculty and Staff Alliance and the Faculty Center for Innovation

Date held: February 23, 2023


As vital members of the campus community, faculty, staff, and students require welcoming environments within which to thrive and grow. Incivility, discourtesy, and microaggressive behavior will negatively affect the institution through the attrition of its members over time. These patterns ultimately engender feelings of disconnection and devaluing for those constituents of the university who are charged with the work of teaching and learning. In this interactive session, participants explored methods for increasing a sense of belonging on campus. Discussions centered on how to establish norms for communication, messaging, and affirmations at both individual and organizational levels.