Welcome to Park University Work Study Application Page

Open Positions: 

Student Employment Applications are closed as of November 8th as we are preparing to move to a new application process.  Spring semester applications will open in the new year, please come back in January. 

Opportunity to pay on your Park balance while you work

Park does offer all work study students the opportunity to fill out the Authorization to Hold a Portion of you Paycheck to go towards your tuition and fees with Park University.  This form can only be filled out two times with in a semester. One to start holding a portion of your paycheck and the ability to cancel the Authorization.  


Student workers are able to fill out the forms in person with a wet signature at the following location.

Parkville, Mo: Student Employment Office/Student Financial Aid Office

Gilbert, Az: Supervisor's or Student Success team

Campus Centers: Supervisor will be able to assist you with obtaining the form