  • Archived FCI Monthly and Term Newsletters

    Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holidays and had a relaxing break. As we start the Spring semester, we invite you to rejuvenate your love for teaching and learning by joining us for FCI's Spring programs, such as the Virtual Academic Conference, applying to become a Teaching Fellow, and more. You can check out all of FCI's Spring 1 programs in this issue. We hope you enjoy!

    Your FCI Team

    Keeping Connected (Spring 1, 2025).pdf

    Strategies for Building Class Community & Understanding Our Learners

    As we approach the middle of the semester and beginning of the Fall 2 term, let's embrace the joy that comes from seeing students on campus, meeting to new learners in our courses, and feeling the energy of teaching the topics we love. This issue is focused on strategies for building class community and on understanding our learners. We hope you enjoy!

    Keeping Connected (Fall 2, 2024).pdf

    Culture of Care

    Experts in the field of higher education (such as Drs. Rebecca Pope-Ruark and Tracie Addy) highlight the importance of faculty renewal, vitality in our work, and creating a Culture of Care

    As we begin a new academic year in the midst of uncertain times in higher education, we focus on strategies to create a culture of care - for ourselves, for our students, and for one another. We hope the fall programming helps foster renewal, vitality, and a culture that uplifts us all.

    Keeping Connected (Fall 1, 2024).pdf


    As we return from spring break and move into the final stretch of the spring semester, this issue focuses on renewal. A renewal of innovative teaching practices, a renewal on the future of learning, and renewal for opportunities to build and collaborate with one another. We hope you find these opportunities helpful and engaging.


    Your FCI Team

    Keeping Connected (Spring 2, 2024) Newsletter.pdf

    Supporting Our Learners

    We care deeply about our learners and celebrate the unique and diverse student populations we serve (international, military, first-generation, undergraduate, graduate, online, and more). In this issue, we focus on practices to support our learners and have invited both internal and external experts to help us unpack ways to build belonging for all Park learners. We hope you find these opportunities helpful and engaging.  

    Your FCI Team

    Keeping Connected (Spring 1, 2024).pdf

    Park University is home to faculty, students, and staff located around the country who learn and work in multiple modalities. In this issue, we focus on creating a connected culture - in our classes and on our campuses.

    During the Fall 2 term, we have invited both internal and external experts to help us unpack practices and strategies for building a connected culture among our learners and our colleagues. We hope you find these opportunities helpful and engaging.



    Your FCI Team

    Keeping Connected (Fall 2, 2023).pdf

    Unpacking Information in the Age of Overload
    Information overload - the struggle is real! It becomes more challenging to manage, curate, and remain critical consumers of information - and to teach our students strategies for doing the same.


    This Fall 2023 we have invited both internal and external experts to help us unpack the challenge from multiple perspectives, and we provide venues to further discuss and explore together. We hope you find these opportunities helpful and engaging.


    Your FCI Team

    Keeping Connected (Fall 1, 2023).pdf
    Navigating Uncharted Territory: AI in Higher Education
    There's a new artificial intelligence (AI) disrupting higher education, and its name is ChatGPT. As AI continues to grow in power and scope, we wanted to dedicate this issue to sharing resources, studies, and information about AI in higher education to become knowledgeable about the potential uses, benefits, cautionary tales, and considerations for the future of teaching and learning.
    Keeping Connected (Spring 2, 2023).pdf
    Experiencing the World through Park's International Students
    "Hola." "Bonjour." "Ciao." "Paing Kom." This is how one instructor at Park greeted her Fall 2022 international students from Argentina, Cameroon, Italy, and Micronesia. Currently, Park proudly serves over 530 international students, which is illustrated in the picture below of the Parkville cafeteria that displays 70 flags from our students' home countries.
    With such a large, culturally diverse student population who are becoming accustomed to our practices, mastering the English language, and diligently working to do well in their courses, it is essential we foster that sense of belonging and use instructional techniques to support their success. In doing so, we are afforded the opportunity to experience the world as we learn from our students' experiences, traditions, and their journey to Park.
    This edition offers a variety of resources to help our international students succeed. We hope you enjoy this issue, and if you have other potential topics you would like the newsletter to focus on, email us at
    Keeping Connected (Spring 1, 2023).pdf

    At Park, You Belong
    Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a trending topic in higher education, and rightfully so. Quickly glancing at the Fall 2021 data, Park's undergraduate student body consists of students from 58 countries, over half of the population identify their race/ethnicity as other than White, over 60% are military affiliated (active duty, veterans, dependents), and the average age of Park's undergraduate student is 30.2 years old.

    At Park, non-traditional is traditional; therefore, signifying the need of inclusive teaching in the classroom. By faculty members creating an inclusive environment, we are providing a physically and psychologically safe space for students to explore their learning exemplifying to students that they belong at Park University.

    This edition offers a variety of inclusive teaching and learning practices that you may reflect on or implement today. We hope you enjoy this issue, and if you have other potential topics you would like the newsletter to focus on, email us at

    Keeping Connected (Fall 2, 2022).pdf

    Student Learning & Engagement through Storytelling

    Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed your summer and are ready for the 2022-2023 academic year. As you continue to prepare for a successful first week of class, and the rest of the term, we would like to share a creative instructional strategy that can be easily implemented into the classroom - storytelling. 

    "The purpose of storytelling is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon" (Brandon Sanderson). Using this technique is a great way to build rapport with your students, help them connect to the course content, and think critically. Each of us has a story to tell, as do our students!

    Are you ready to create a new story with your students this fall with storytelling in the classroom?  If so, we'd love for you to share your stories with us! We hope you enjoy this issue, and if you have other potential topics you would like the newsletter to focus on, email us at

    Keeping Connected (Fall 1, 2022).pdf

    Highlight Your Evidence-Based Practices by Showcasing Your Scholarship
    You're demonstrating innovative teaching and learning practices in the classroom; it's time for your work to shine by you sharing your effective instructional strategies through academic writing. Chick (n.d.) defines the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) as “a synthesis of teaching, learning, and research in higher education that aims to bring a scholarly lens - the curiosity, the inquiry, the rigor, the disciplinary variety - to what happens in the classroom.” We already assess our teaching and students’ learning in the classroom; SoTL takes it a step further by helping you share that information through scholarly avenues.
    This edition offers a range of SoTL resources whether SoTL is being introduced to you or you are an expert in the area. We hope you enjoy this issue, and if you have other potential topics you would like the newsletter to focus on, email us at  

    Keeping Connected (Spring 2, 2022).pdf

    How to Improve Work-Life Integration and Bypass Burnout
    Happy New Year, and welcome back! We hope you had a relaxing winter break and are ready for Spring 2022. To keep you feeling rejuvenated this term, we're focusing on work-life integration because you are a priority to us in the Faculty Center for Innovation. We hope you enjoy this issue, and if you have other potential topics you would like the newsletter to focus on, email us at 

    FCI Keeping Connected (Spring 1, 2022) Newsletter.pdf

    From Growing to Knowing

    Growth mindset revolves around three letters that make up one powerful word - yet. As educators, we can introduce and encourage a growth mindset in our students to help build their motivation and self-determination (both inside and outside of the classroom). Additionally, when it comes to academic performance, using the word 'yet' encourages students to lean from their current missteps and guide them to their future successes.

    FCI Keeping Connected (Fall 2, 2021) Newsletter.pdf

    Envisioning the Future of Teaching & Learning

    Welcome to the 2021-22 academic year! As the new academic year begins, we invite you to reflect upon the questions posed during this year's Fall Faculty Conference and review the cross-disciplinary Ideation Session responses HERE.

    1. What skills and competencies will students need in the future?
    2. If there were no limits, how could we revolutionize education at Park?
    3. How can we enhance the way we organize, teach, and empower student learning at Park? What might this mean for your teaching practice?

    We hope you will take these ideas that have been shared thus far back to your colleges, departments, and campus centers to continue the conversation and keep moving forward with envisioning the future of teaching and learning at Park.

    Keeping Connected (Fall 1, 2021).pdf

    Effective Feedback: Taking Learning to the Next Level

    As a new month begins, we invite you to (re)assess your student feedback techniques. What would make your good feedback become great? After all, "Assessment is the engine which drives student learning" (John Cowan), so as we race towards the end of the semester, let's find ways to give our students essential feedback and watch their learning transform from good to great. We hope you enjoy this material, and look forward to continuing to share innovative teaching and learning ideas with you.

    FCI Apr 2021 Newsletter.pdf

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Continuous Learning

    As an institution, Park is striving to understand more about our strengths and opportunities for growth in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We know that, like learning, this should be a continuous and evolving process—and one informed by perspectives outside of our walls. In this issue, we are pleased to share food for thought as we learn and grow together on our continuous journey to celebrate diversity, advocate for social justice, and create a more inclusive world.

    FCI Mar 2021 Newsletter.pdf

    Paving the Pathway for Park Students' Success - Student Support

    If you haven't heard lately, here's a quick reminder YOU'RE AWESOME for always going above and beyond to support Park learners. This month the Faculty Center for Innovation focuses on student support and helping them achieve their goals. We hope you enjoy this material and look forward to sharing innovative teaching and learning ideas, development opportunities, and inspirational stories on how much you can impact the lives of our students.

    FCI Feb 2021 Newsletter.pdf

    The Power of Positivity

    As a new year begins, we look ahead toward a fresh start, potential COVID vaccines on the horizon, the anticipation of spring, and a new semester with our colleagues and students - welcome to 2021! As we look ahead to new beginnings and the incredible resilience we've all demonstrated this past year, we also look to the power of positivity, hope, and the opportunity to build upon all that we've learned during these unique times. Happiness and positivity are equally contagious and represent the kind of transmission we need right now, so let's spread it like crazy! We hope you enjoy this material, and look forward to sharing innovative teaching and learning ideas with you throughout the new year.

    FCI Jan 2021 Newsletter.pdf

    Meaningful Mindfulness - How's Your Self-Care?

    As academics, it's in our nature to over achieve leading to stress and inevitably burnout. It's time for a quick self check. How are you feeling - zealous, content, worried, fatigued? Whichever emotional response you currently identify with, let's take a moment to bring some harmony in your life and celebrate you. Close your eyes and take a deep breathe in, hold, then let it out and say to yourself, "I am awesome!"

    This month, the Faculty Center for Innovation would like to focus on YOU and your self-care. After all, you deserve it. This month, and every month, we are so thankful that you are part of the Park family and for all that you do for our students; we truly are #ParkUnited and #onefamily. We hope you enjoy this material, and look forward to sharing innovative teaching and learning ideas with you throughout the year.

    FCI Nov 2020 Newsletter.pdf

    Communication across Modalities - "Can You Hear Me Now?"

    We're nearing the end of the Fall 1 2020 semester, and as we continue to ride the pandemic wave, we encourage you to pause for a second and reflect on how you meaningfully communicate with students inside and outside the classroom. What methods of communication are you using (e.g., email, phone call, text, announcement, video, etc.)? Are those methods coming across clearly to your students?

    Public speaker Rich Simmons said, "Communication is only effective when we communicate in a way that is meaningful to the recipient, not ourselves." This month, the Faculty Center for Innovation would like to share upcoming programming that touches upon effective communication strategies in all teaching and learning environments. We hope you enjoy this material, and look forward to sharing innovative teaching and learning ideas with you throughout the year.

    FCI Oct 2020 Newsletter.pdf

    How Engaged Are Your Students?...No, Really?

    The Fall 2020 semester is underway and it's time for you to do a self check. How are your classes going? How are your students - and you - adjusting to the new classroom "normal"? As educators, we know it's imperative to actively keep our students engaged, no matter the situation. As we continue to navigate uncharted territories, we would like to share with you how Park and external instructors are keeping students engaged. We hope you enjoy this material, and look forward to sharing innovative teaching and learning ideas with you throughout the year.

    FCI Sept 2020 Newsletter.pdf

    New Year, New Instructional Environment

    The Faculty Center for Innovation (FCI) is excited to welcome you back to a new academic year! Although the unique circumstances of 2020 led faculty across the world to quickly transition to online learning, we continue to be pragmatic Pirates and have learned, and continue to learn, how to offer quality higher education to Park's students. As we proceed instructing in a fully or partially online environment, FCI would like to share with you information on learning in a digital world. We hope you enjoy this material, and look forward to sharing innovative teaching and learning ideas with you throughout the year.

    FCI Aug 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Mar 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Feb 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Jan 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Dec 2019 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Nov 2019 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Oct 2019 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Sept 2019 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Apr 2019 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Mar 2019 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Feb 2019 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Jan 2019 Newsletter.pdf
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • FCI Programming Newsletters

    What's on the Horizon_Oct. and Nov. 2022 FCI Programs.pdf
    FCI What's on the Horizon (Aug. & Sept. 2022).pdf
    2022 Fellowship Applications.pdf
    FCI 2022 Fellowship Applications and VAC Registration Newsletter.pdf
    Fall 1, 2021 FCI Programs and How to Register.pdf
    FCI Nov 2020 Programming Newsletter.pdf
    Teaching Tricks and Learning Treats - FCI Oct 2020 Programming Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Oct 2020 Programming Newsletter_2.pdf
    FCI Sept 2020 Programming Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Aug 2020 Programming Newsletter.pdf
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • FCI Archived Special Edition Newsletters

    AY2025-26 Teaching Fellows Application & 2025 VAC Newsletter.pdf
    Fall 2024 Faculty Book Club Newsletter.pdf
    Mentor Recognition (2023-2024).pdf
    Curricular Exploration Grants Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Fellows Impact (2023-2024).pdf
    InSight and InStruct Call for Papers.pdf
    Register for the 2024 Spring Book Club.pdf
    Sign Up for a Spring 2024 SIG.pdf
    Register for the 2024 Virtual Academic Conference.pdf
    Sign Up for a Fall 2023 SIG.pdf
    FCI Fellowships Awarded (2023-2024).pdf
    Mentor Recognition (2022-2023).pdf
    FCI Fellows Impact (2022-2023).pdf
    Register Now for the 2023 VAC.pdf
    Teaching Fellows Applications 2023-24.pdf
    Register Now for a 2022-23 SIG.pdf
    Online Faculty Mentor Recognition AY2021-2022.pdf
    FCI Fellows Impact (2021-2022).pdf
    FCI Fellowships Awarded (2022-2023).pdf
    Register Now for the 2022 VAC.pdf
    Online Faculty Mentor Recognition AY2020-2021.pdf
    FCI Roundtable Discussion 5 Nesletter.pdf
    FCI Message (2021 Thank You Video).pdf
    FCI Spark Tank Submissions Extended to April 12th Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Roundtable Discussion 3 Nesletter.pdf
    FCI Spark Tank Application Due April 1st Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Fellowships Awarded (2021-22).pdf
    FCI Roundtable Discussion 2 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Roundtable Discussion 1 Nesletter.pdf
    FCI Fellowship Applications Extension.pdf
    FCI 2021 Teaching and Scholarship Fellows Special Edition Newsletter.pdf
    FCI 2021 Virtual Academic Conference Call for Speakers Special Edition Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Responding to COVID19 Special Edition Newsletter.pdf
    FCI 2020 Virtual Academic Conference Special Edition Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Faculty Fellows Promo 2020 Special Edition Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Instructor Workshop Series.pdf
    FCI Faculty Fellows and Spark Tank Special Edition Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Digital Badge Special Edition Newsletter.pdf
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • COVID-19 Newsletters

    FCI Keeping Connected May 6, 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Keeping Connected April 29, 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Keeping Connected April 22, 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Keeping Connected April 15, 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Keeping Connected April 08, 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Keeping Connected April 01, 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Keeping Connected March 25, 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    FCI Keeping Connected March 19, 2020 Newsletter.pdf
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.